Aviva Gat


Aviva Gat

Aviva Gat

Historical Fiction

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    Feb 2019

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    United States

  • Born

    30 September

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Aviva’s lifelong dream was always to be a writer. From a young age, she wrote short stories that she shared with friends and family. When she went to college at Boston University, her love for writing led her to get two bachelor’s degrees in Journalism and Religion. She then moved to New York City and wrote for a financial magazine, where she wrote breaking news and in-depth analytical pieces about corporate bankruptcy.
After getting tired of the hustle and bustle of NYC, she moved to Israel where she spent six months volunteering fulltime with special needs adults. Ready to get back into the corporate world, Aviva then got an MBA at Tel Aviv University and worked for a consulting firm and a high-tech company.
When her daughter was born, Aviva decided it was time to get back to her lifelong dream and be a writer fulltime. She still lives in Israel, happily married with a daughter and a dog. When she is not writing, Aviva loves to run, hike, and be outside. Follow her on Instagram: aviva_writes

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